With reference to the communiqué issued Tuesday 19 May 2020 by the Ministry for Tourism and Public Protection where the Clubs’ bar can reopen as from Friday 22 May 2020, the Administrative Committee of the Our Lady of the Lily Musical Society of Mqabba would like to inform Members and Supporters that for the time being, the Bar and the Club will be kept closed due to ongoing renovation work in the main Square of Mqabba.
Work is also underway to respect the restrictions imposed by the Health Authorities, for when the Club and Bar reopen. We are doing this to safeguard the health and safety of everyone and so as the bar is in compliance with the measures that have been announced.
As soon as we are in a position to reopen the Club, another statement will be made. While we hope to reopen in the shortest time, we appreciate your understanding.
The Administrative Committee
Soċjetà Mużikali Madonna tal-Ġilju, Mqabba