2024-12-07 – Servizz Mużikali mill-Banda Madonna tal-Ġilju f’Bormla
Fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa ad Unur l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni tal-Verġni Marija, il-Banda Madonna tal-Ġilju tal-Imqabba ġiet mistiedna tagħti s-servizz Mużikali tagħha f’Bormla
Fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa ad Unur l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni tal-Verġni Marija, il-Banda Madonna tal-Ġilju tal-Imqabba ġiet mistiedna tagħti s-servizz Mużikali tagħha f’Bormla
Il-Kummissjoni Banda, issa Għaqda Banda, qiegħda tteni l-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett tagħha b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Żgħażagħ għas-sajf 2021 entitolat: Taħriġ Mużikali għat-Tfal u ż-Żgħażagħ.
Learning music for kids and youths is now available at our Society's Premises. A theoretical induction to music, practical induction to percussion, musical instrument master classes, musical instrument practice and much more.
Every year the Band Commission organizes a concert with the participation of students and band members who regularly attend music lessons. The concert normal takes place at Easter time. Preparations started months ago, however due to the present situation Mro. Edwin Pace, who is in charge of teaching music, took the initiative to present it anyway - virtually.
On the occasion of one month away from the Feast day of Our Lady of the Lily 2020, we are posting the Marian song “Fil-Ħlewwa ta’ Mejju”, individually recorded by the musicians within the Our Lady of the Lily Band.
The official poster of the celebrations marking the 75th anniversary [...]