Aerial fireworks

The extensive pyrotechnic work for the feast of Our Lady of the lily 1992

2020-05-16T14:33:57+02:00May 16, 2020|Memories|

The footage uploaded conveys the extensive pyrotechnic work carried out by our fireworks enthusiasts for the Feast of Our Lady of the Lily 1992. Many are of the opinion that it was one of the most fireworks loaded years.

Carrying out of the statue of Our Lady of the Lily – Feast 1998

2020-05-10T13:40:33+02:00May 10, 2020|Memories|

The Feast of Our Lady of the Lily 1998 was a historic one due to the fact that the Statue of Our Lady of the Lily was carried out on the Parish Church Parvis, following its exposition from the Niche a week before the Feast Day.

Ground Fireworks Display – Feast of Our Lady of the Lily 1994

2020-05-09T11:51:42+02:00May 9, 2020|Memories|

Following the aerial fireworks display on the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of the Lily 1994, a fine original and mechanised ground fireworks display was let off along Triq Karmenu Ciantar. This was the third year that ground fireworks were not let off in the village square any longer. In this film, one can appreciate the large amount of mechanised set pieces set in motion by various types of colourful drivers and lances.

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